Sunday, November 2, 2008

2 Cor 1 / Nov 3 - we stand by faith

Well, today my oldest son told me about some conversations that he overheard about God and religion. One person said there were two options, "Either God exists and He hates us or there is just a higher being that is uninterested."
Frankly, I refuse to believe that. Do bad things happen? yes. Is it God's desire to just punish? One excuse was "people who are out drinking, having sex and doing everything 'wrong' are living high on the hog." So what is there for those of us who believe?

It is a hard lesson. But those who stand firm do so by faith. I do not believe because God provides for every wish and desire. I do not believe because everything in my life is always just the way I want it. I do not believe because I never worry, never fear, never want for anything. I believe because there is no other explanation for my presence here on this planet. That my children all had congenital heart disease...though it has NEVER affected them or kept them from doing what they wanted. In fact, as they grow it becomes so slight they don't have to worry about it! That doesn't happen often.
I believe because the Bible has been proven true and accurate over and over and over again. i believe because the FACTS of Jesus and His continued work in my life are visible every day.

I don't stand because of what I have, or what I have been given. I stand by faith.

how about you?

1 comment:

Jack said...

I believe we grow in our faith by these little steps in our test of faith. If everything was hunky-dory we would stagnate in one little circle and not have spiritual growth. I feel they are our growth spurts. We don't often understand this as we are going through these trials, but we are learning. Whether it be on the front or back side of things. Watch for God at work in your life and it will give your faith a boost to see it happen. Keep God in the center and it will work out. Amen ,definitely !!