Thursday, November 6, 2008

2 Corinthians 8 / Nov 7 - religious socialism?

Since President Elect Obama was accused of wanting to bring socialism to America perhaps this is not a good time for this post...but since I'm not any good at being "PC" I'm gonna press on!

But before you lock up your wallet and pad-lock your purse there is something you need to know about what Paul is getting to.

First. He reminds us that Christ, as the Son of God, was in heaven prior to coming to the earth and being born a helpless little baby. In heaven He was the creator and sustainer of all things on earth he was poor. Hated. Dismissed as a crazy. Beat. Tried and convicted. Killed because of a loophole in the law (they didn't account for someone being the actual Son of God). To truly understand this point you must get that Jesus had it all and gave it all up for you.

Second. This was not a Robin Hood idea (rob from the rich and give to the poor). It sounds a little socialist, the idea of everyone being equal but the context is not that of taking from what someone worked hard to attain and just giving it to someone who didn't want to work. No, what was happening here was a great famine in Jerusalem (and surrounding area) so that the Church in that part of the world was suffering greatly. Paul was encouraging the Church in Corinth to follow through with what they had promised, to send financial gifts to their brothers to help them in their time of need. The plan then was that if needed, the Church in Jerusalem - after the famine had passed, would be able and obligated to help the Church in Corinth should they ever need it.

Notice though that this was not forced (through taxes, etc.) but they "gave as much as they were able and even beyond their ability, entirely on their own..." From the other day Paul said that they ought to "lay aside a sum of money, in keeping with their income." So, it was not just about taking away but those in Christ willingly giving what they could.

So, I'll give what I can and you give what you can and it may not be equal gifts, but it should be an equal sacrifice. Have a good Friday!

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