Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2 Corinthians 4 / Nov 6 - Good to remember

So this chapter couldn't have come at a better time for me. There is a delicate balance that we try to maintain in the faith. How do we deal with the truth of God's incredible power at work within us through His Spirit, when we ourselves as so fragile. Jesus said, if you faith you can say to this mountain "go throw yourself into the sea" and it will obey... fine. I believe that. There is incredible and infinite power available to us through the Spirit of God. And not only to us, but in us! Yet this incredible power must move through the bottleneck of our faith!

Paul says we have this treasure (this power, this light, this Spirit) in jars of clay; fragile, unable to hold an infinate amount of power, prone to cracks and leaks. Think of pouring a gallon of milk into a small glass, once the glass if filled the milk just runs out. As a jar of clay my ability to hold all that God has to offer is limited.

I continue to wonder, "God, how come this isn't happening or you're not doing that?" It isnt that God can't - perhaps the problem is that my jar has a leak of faith... or a crack of trust and all that God is pouring into me is running out. My prayer today is that God restores the broken vessels of our faith. Fill the cracks. Plug the leaks. And continue pouring into us your grace and power to meet our needs out of your abundance in Christ Jesus. Finally God, increase the size of my jar so that I can hold more and more of You.

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