Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jesus is all right with me.

Reading in Hebrews 4,5 and 6 this am. Struck by Jesus life and faithfulness.

I don't recall the statistics but the majority of children who inherit wealth squander it away. They didn't have to earn it so it doesn't mean as much to them (that's what I hear anyway). But those parents who force their children to be responsible with money and teach them to work hard and earn their own way before they get inheritance dollars do much better with it.

It seems to me that God could have just had Jesus appear on earth as a human (He is God after all) in his 20's or something. Live a few months or so in the lap of luxury, since His Dad literally owns everything, and then die a quick and pain free death. He would have not sinned so He would be the "perfect" sacrifice the law required. And He would be human and shed His blood. Law fulfilled.

But that's not the way God does things. Jesus experienced everything that we experience in our lives. From birth to death He was completely human. He experienced loss, temptation, anger, frustration, fear, ridicule, slander, out-right-lies and finally the pain of a long and agonizing death. And even through all that He never sinned.

Jesus was not only the perfect sacrifice but He becomes our perfect example. Had Jesus not lived and died as He did we could complain to God that He doesn't know what we're going through down here (which is stupid because, once again, He's God - He knows it all!) and so we should be exempted from some of our sins. And Satan could complain that He had it too easy and would have failed it He experienced life as it really is.

Instead God, in His perfect wisdom and understanding, allowed His Son to suffer so that we and Satan are without excuse. There is nothing we can point to as a loop hole or way out. Jesus went through all this so that He would rule well, judge justly and win the battle handily.

Thanks Jesus, you're all right with me.

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