Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Can I have some more suffering please?

I have yet to meet a believer in Jesus who actually wakes up in the morning and says, "today is going to be a great day! I get to suffer for Jesus!" Nope, never heard it. But I have heard lots of these prayers, "God, keep me healthy and happy today, keep me from suffering and help me to have a good day." That's the prayer of the average believer, including me all too often.

We Christians tend to think that if we are suffering something must be wrong in our relationship with God. If I'm suffering I must need to pray more. Go to more church services or read my Bible longer. If things are going well for me then God must be happy with me. If they are going poorly He must be angry.

It's silly really (that rhymed and I didn't even try!). Over and over in God's Word He promises suffering. Do everything right as a believer and you WILL suffer. Maybe you lose your job. Your marriage falls apart. Your car breaks down. Your body breaks down. These don't mean that God is mad at you or that you aren't living like you should be in Christ. They are simply personal illustrations of sin's work in the world we live in. They prove Satan is active and on the prowl.

But let's be honest. We don't like to suffer. I want everything in my life to be perfect. Peter makes a great point in 1 Peter 4:15. He is talking about suffering for the sake of Christ and then in 15 says, "if you suffer it should NOT be because you did something wrong" (murder, stealing, making trouble or prying into other's lives). Peter knows us doesn't he! He knows that we complain and whine even when we suffer for doing wrong! How many of you whine and fuss when you're given a ticket for speeding? You did something wrong and were punished for it. That's called a consequence NOT suffering!

If you (or I) screw up and have to suffer (the consequence) that is not a reason to find any joy - we are getting what we deserve. But if I suffer because I'm a Christian that is a completely different story. I have been called names because of my faith. I have been left out. I have suffered financially (though light and momentary troubles all).

Don't ever think that just because you believe in Jesus that nothing bad will ever happen to you. If that's the case there is one of two things happening. 1. you are so "bad" as a christian that Satan doesn't need to mess with you, or 2. you're in heaven.

Suffering is part of the Christian life. Quit trying to run from suffering and pray your way out of it. God isn't going to deliver you from the very things that will ultimately strengthen and grow your faith and trust in Him. Live. Fight. Struggle through it with all His strength that so powerfully works in you. Suffer knowing that your faith will find increase and you will not be disappointed.

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