Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I don't know about you but I thoroughly enjoyed my extended weekend. It was truly a time of rest for me and my family. I have been preaching every weekend for over a year. That gets really tiring. I don't remember who said it, but their statement was that preaching one message is the emotional equivalent of an 8 hour work day. And I believe it! In addition to all the other duties of a preacher.

And it's been a busy few months for me. We've got a guy in the hospital I'm trying to spend time with. A dear old friend from my previous church is dying and I get to spend some time with him and his wife every week. Not to mention the growth Real Life has experienced means more work too!

So it was good to rest. 2 Thessalonians 1:7 says, "God will provide rest." And I'm glad He did. The family had a great time at the River farm on Fall river and got to just chill and be together. Stay in a camper and swim in the river and explore with the kids. It was great and just what Andi and I needed. It makes me look forward to our family trip to the Gulf Coast later this month and a break from preaching for a few weeks. I love to do it - but even the stuff you love you need a break from once in awhile.

So thank you God for rest. Rest from the everyday. Rest from the "work" even if it's Your work. It makes us look forward that much more to the rest you will provide when Jesus comes again. What a rest that will be! I want to be rested up for that!

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