Thursday, June 24, 2010

What's love got to do with it?

Reading through 1,2 and 3 John today. One over-riding thought; love. Here's how I would break down these letters.
  1. If you've got love, you've got Jesus.
  2. If you've got Jesus, you've got the Father, God.
  3. If you've got God, you will obey His commands.
  4. His commands are that you love

Rinse and repeat steps 1-4.

In contrast:

  1. If you don't have love, you ain't got Jesus.
  2. If you don't have Jesus, you ain't got God.
  3. If you don't have God, you ain't got a prayer.

Those who love others are obeying God's command and have the Son and the Spirit. Those who teach false doctrines (specifically that Jesus did not come in a human body) do not have love, or God or the Son or the Spirit. Don't listen to them. Don't support them. Don't encourage them.

But, love all believers. Your love proves you have the Father, Son and Spirit just like your deeds prove your faith (see James).

I want to prove my connection with God so I want to obey Him so I choose to love. Help me Father to love.

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