Thursday, March 13, 2014

Do Not Delay

Day 72:  Exodus 22, Psalm 72 & 1 Samuel 23

Have you ever bought into the trap of "delayed payment"?  You know, PAY NOTHING NOW!  No interest till next year!  Every time you see a credit card commercial on television remind yourself that that multi-million dollar commercial was paid for because you wanted something now instead of later.  Makes you feel good, huh.

It's always more difficult to pay for something you already have.  And many times, if I'm saving money for something I want, something else comes up and I end up pulling from my stash to cover it.  Thus delaying the purchase I intended to make.

Perhaps that is the whole reason behind verse 29 of Exodus 22 which says, "do not delay the offering from your harvest or vintage."

When we delay giving to God what He has asked for we almost always find someplace else for it to go.  The car breaks down.  Kids to the doctor.  Need to call a repair man.  There's the money I was going to give to God...

But it's not even just a money issue.  Anything we commit to God and then delay is a problem waiting to happen.  Soon, we'll convince ourselves that God doesn't need it or want it - which is true about everything we offer Him - so why do we need to give it?  God wants our trust and our heart, following through with the things we have committed to God causes us to trust Him.

When you make a commitment to God, do not delay the offering and you'll see that He is present with you and waiting to support you when you give what you have intended.

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