Monday, March 3, 2014

My Sin Has Been Passed Over.

Day 62:  Exodus 12, Psalms 62 and 1 Samuel 13

The night before the Israelites fled Egypt God sent a plague that took he life of every first born male from the least family to the greatest and even from every flock and herd.  Every home that did not have the blood of the Passover Lamb on the doorposts and the lintel (the sides of the front door and the above it).

That night thousands, perhaps 100's of thousands died because of Pharaoh's stubbornness.  But the Israelites were spared because of the blood.

The perfect lamb that was to be slaughtered and eaten and whose blood was used for the door is called the Passover Lamb because it was through this blood-mark on the door that the "angel of death," would "pass over" the homes and spare the first born inside.

Now, 1400 years later Jesus became OUR Passover Lamb, a perfect male lamb who was sacrificed that and His blood spilt so that death might "pass over" those who symbolically are washed or covered by His blood.  Jesus died, as the first-born of God in our place.

Consider also that in the Christian Church we offer communion every week.  A time to symbolically associate with and remember the death of Jesus and we drink a small cup of grape juice that represents His blood.  The blood that was shed for our salvation so that we would not face death as though who are NOT covered by His blood.   Gives a little more meaning to this act of worship that we take time to remember each Sunday, doesn't it.

You and I deserve death because we have hardened our hearts against God from time to time just like Pharaoh.  We have made promises we didn't keep and seen God work in our lives just to pass it off as a coincidence and forget about Him again.  But the blood of Jesus covers our sins - not because we're perfect, but because we obeyed.  Because we believed that by marking ourselves with the blood of Jesus through His death burial and resurrection and participation in that through baptism we would be saved.

And now we no longer fear death because the perfect Passover Lamb has been slain for us and we have been covered by His blood and death has lost it's sting.

Thank you Father for your perfect plan that wasn't caught up in what we do but in whose we are - blood children of Yours through the sacrifice of Jesus.

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