Thursday, March 27, 2014

Kaboom It!

Day 86:  Exodus 36, Psalms 86 & 2 Samuel 6

My daughter and I enjoy watching the sitcom, Parks & Rec.  In one episode a non-profit playground construction group comes to town to build a playground in a day.  Leslie, the assistant parks dept. director is ecstatic.  She loves to get things done and doesn't like to be bogged down in slow moving government red tape.  During the episode hundreds of people show up in Pawnee, Indiana to build this playground and, while Leslie doesn't think it can be accomplished, she falls in love with the Kaboom attitude and it's ability to rally people and complete the task in one day.

Not many worthwhile things can be accomplished in a day but that doesn't mean the kaboom spirit isn't alive.  Whenever we take on a project that requires many people, dedication and determination to see it through we're kabooming (Yes, I just transformed that word into an even cooler one!).

And that is exactly what happened in Exodus 36 from today's reading.  The people of Israel were told in chapter 35 to bring personal items together to be used in the construction of the Tabernacle, God's home among the people.  So they did.  Each of them brought or gave whatever they had, skill, gold, material, wisdom, whatever they had and were moved by God to bring, they brought and donated it to the work.

In chapter 36 the construction actually begins and something incredible happens.  The people keep bringing offerings.  We read that everyday people would get up, be moved to give something else and take it to Moses to be used in the Tabernacle.  Eventually they bring too much and Moses has to issue an edict that no more offerings be given to the construction of the Tabernacle because there is "more than enough to complete the work."  Kaboom!

This is so incredible.  When God moves in the hearts of His people and His people are obedient to that movement those with a little bring a little and are happy.  Those with a lot bring a lot and are happy.  And the work is able to be funded and continue.  In fact, if everyone was so inclined to give freely, as the Israelites were here, there would be plenty of resources to accomplish so much for the Kingdom!

And once again we see that it isn't about what one person can do, but what many can do when they come together for the same purpose and with the same passion - Kaboom!  God is able to work with a group of people like that.  And His work can go on unhindered because there would be plenty with which to accomplish the goals and desires He places within our hearts to do for Him.

When we each give from what we have, whether little or much, great things happen.  Not because of what is brought, but because of the spirit with which it's brought - unity comes from sharing the same goal.  The goal of Real Life is Guide, Grow and Go like Jesus - so that every person possible might find real life in Jesus.


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