Tuesday, March 4, 2014

You Be God's Physical Representation On Earth Today.

Day 63:  Exodus 13, Psalms 63 and 1 Samuel 14

When God led the Israelites out of the land of Egypt He did not leave them alone to decide which path to take, but He led them personally in the form of a pillar of cloud extending to heaven during the day and a pillar of blazing fire at night.

This allowed the Israelites a unique benefit.

  1. They always knew which way God wanted them to go because they were following Him.
  2. Through the cloud and fire they were able to travel at any time God chose. The pillar of fire was bright enough to illuminate the land so that several million people could see to travel, even at night.
  3. Imagine if you were an enemy of the Israelites and you sent spies out to check on them and they saw this huge pillar of smoke and fire present with the Israelites all the time - a fire at night that was bright enough to be seen for many, many miles.
  4. When the Israelites would set up their tents there were holes in the top and they were arranged around the Tabernacle (once it was constructed) where the pillar of fire or cloud would rest when they were camped.  That meant that every Israelite, during the day or night would be able to see the pillar and know if God were with them or was moving on.
This sounds pretty amazing doesn't it?!  God's presence with you every day and night.  Wouldn't it be great to have this pillar today?  To lead you exactly where God wanted you to go that day, or to stay when He thought that was best.  Everyone would know that God was with you because of the pillar of smoke or fire.

But that is not how God works today.  Right before Jesus was taken to heaven, after the resurrection, He told His disciples that another counselor was coming from God.  This counselor would not just be with them, as He was, but would be in them and work through them.  This personal presence is far superior to following a cloud or a fire.  In us we have the Holy Spirit - God's very Spirit to be our guide.  Not to lead us as a child leads a dog on a walk, but to share with us the very mind of Christ that we might be the representation of God on the earth.

You and I, as believers, as walking pillars of cloud and fire.  We are the presence of God in us, a visible, earthly expression of God's associating with humanity.  When we move it should be as God moves.  When we stay it should be because God has stayed.  Jesus said that He came to do the will of His Father who sent Him - and the same should be true for us.

Don't wait for God to reveal Himself in some other physical form, you are the form of God on earth through the Holy Spirit's presence in your life.  Tap into that presence that is promised.  Seek His leading and guiding.  Move in accordance to the Spirit's movements and you'll find yourself exactly where God wants you to be.

Jesus said that He did whatever He saw His Father doing.  That should be our goal too.  But in order for that to happen we must be watching our Father.  Our eyes must be on His heart and what He would do and then the Holy Spirit will give us the ability to carry it out, whether it be little or big, it's nothing for God.  

You be the representation of God on the earth so that when others see you they see Him and worship Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have heard it said concerning employees "to the customer you are the company." To the Christian we can say "to the non-believer you are God." Not that we really are but as His representative on earth we are charged to live as He would live, love as He would love. Boy, we've got a long ways to go don't we?