Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Luke 13 / August 20 - when it's time to heal

I'm going to make it short today.

When Jesus or the disciples healed it was two things, immediate and complete. Now I know that someone who reads this will say, "what about the blind guy whom Jesus healed and he saw people that looked like trees walking around." Well, it's been proven that that was a normal process of someone who had never seen before. But look, leprosy, gone. bleeding, stopped. Deaf, hear. Blind, see. crippled, made whole. Possessed, freed. Boom. that's it.

When Jesus heals it is complete and immediate but it was also dignified. Did you know that no where in Scripture did anyone who was healed, or "touched" fall down on the ground and shake or fall back or pass out or get "slain in the Spirit." Surely you have seen the healers on TV put their hand on the person, say some unintelligible thing and the person needing healing falls back on the ground and has some sort of mild to severe convulsion. Never happened in the Bible, at least it was never recorded.

What was recorded was the immediacy and the completeness of the healing. Oh, and one more thing. Many times they didn't fall down, they jumped up and down and praised God and thanked Jesus. Does God heal by knocking people down on the ground? I suppose He could if he wanted, but what is the purpose? Jesus always did everything on purpose, so what is the purpose of someone falling? Today it is used as a "sign" that the person has been "healed" or received the Spirit or something. But for me, the lame restored. The crippled made whole. The demon possessed freed. The deaf and blind and bleeding made to hear, see and stop. That's what I want to see. That's what Jesus does.

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