Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Luke 7 / August 14 - trying to button it up.

Hey, so I'm reading today's text and two things hit me and reminded me of some previous posts. Let's look at this as an example of what I was talking about in the earlier posts.

First on August 2nd I wrote about baptism and Jesus question about whether John's baptism was from God or man. If you don't remember it you can take a look at it by right clicking here and say "open in new tab" so you don't loose this post.

There are some verses here that really speak to the heart of that post. It says that the tax collectors and "all the people" believed Jesus (acknowledged God's way was right) BECAUSE they had been baptized by John. They understood that John was the modern Elijah who was prophesied to come before the Messiah. But the Pharisees did not understand or believe BECAUSE they had not been baptized by John.

So, once again we have confirmation of the importance of baptism as it affected and is credited as the reason people believed Jesus words about John.

The second thing to look at comes when some of John's followers go and ask Jesus if he is the Messiah. Instead of Jesus just saying, "yes." Which he could have done. And instead of saying, "well, duh." Which he could have said. He defines the post from yesterday. Jesus just shows (fruit) what the two needed to know. and when he was done he said, go and tell John, the blind see, the dead are raised, the deaf hear, the demons are dispatched.

Jesus let his fruit speak for him.

Have a good Thursday. School is back in session...Yeah!

1 comment:

Jack said...

It is a good feeling to see someone that you help lead to Christ grow and prosper in Christ. I would pray that we all get that chance to share the gift of God . This is the only way for our fruit to speak for us, be it now or later . It's the pay it forward theory. I love to think that generations from now are accepting Jesus because God allowed me the courage to share that gift of God with someone in my past. Thank you Jesus for your gift on the cross. I pray you give us the opportunity and courage to share your gift of eternal life with any we encounter. Amen