Friday, August 21, 2009

Simple - Profound

So I'm reading today in Nehemiah chapter 2 and in the midst of this great story one little statement jumped out at me. Nehemiah is the cup bearer to the king of Persia (formerly Babylon) which was a pretty big deal. Anyway, the king sees how depressed Nehemiah is and asks essentially, "what will make you feel better?"
And then it comes, Nehemiah writes of himself, "Then I prayed to the God of Israel, and answered the king..."

There it is. I prayed to the God of heaven. Simple. Something we take for granted everyday. I pray to the God of heaven. Profound. The God of heaven. The One who created and sustains life. The One who keeps the planets from falling out of space. The One who has the hairs on my bald head (shaved) numbered. AND the subsequent end is this... the God of Heaven listens.

Happy praying, happy Friday!!!!

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