Saturday, August 22, 2009

Steps 1 and 2.

When I was taking classes for my psych degree the thing we heard over and over was that the first key to success in treating someone with an emotional issue (that was serious enough) was therapy but the second key was also very important (kind of like that second key in the movies that does everything from arm the torpedoes to start the super large drill that is aimed at the center of the earth) and went right along with the first, which in this case was drugs. The mantra was always therapy and drugs (I think they called it "medication"). I was reading in Nehemiah this morning and I saw a one/two punch just like I learned in school. But what I also noticed is that most of us forget the second part.
Nehemiah has brought back to Jerusalem a group of people and has mustered the strength of those already there and they have begun to rebuild the walls and gates of the City, an incredibly huge undertaking. When they are busy building the people around them begin to plot how they might stop the Jews from rebuilding and once again becoming a power nation in the region. Well, Nehemiah learns of their plans and devises this two step process, here's how it happened, "They all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up trouble against it. But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat" (Neh 4:8,9).
Did you see it? How were they going to deal with the threat of their neighbors? First they prayed (good idea right?!). And then they Posted a guard. One. Two.
For many of us when we feel attacked by others, or sin (temptation) or the prospect of failure we do only one of the two steps. Being very spiritual you may pray to God, which is great, unless you just go, "well I prayed, get to work God!" For others you may do really good at posting the guard (trying to handle it on your own) but you neglect to pray. When dealing with the issues that you and I face every day we need to employ both of these steps! We need to pray to our God who WILL hear and WILL act but we also need to post a guard, to stand watch, to tighten up security so that we can do our part as well.
Therapy and Drugs. Pray and stand guard.
Today God, while I rely on You to fight for me and meet my needs, help me also to get off my butt and get involved!

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