Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Will I be remembered?

Have you ever thought about what the world will be like when you are gone? Come on, everybody dies, it's a part of life (and for believers the best part!), so have you ever wondered who will remember you? What will they say? Will life continue for them with barely a nod to your life? Or will they never be the same?
I think about this sometimes. It seems a bit morbid but it makes me desire even more to do something worthwhile with my life that benefits people and cities and humankind.
But this morning I'm wondering, "does it matter if people here remember me after I'm gone?" What difference will it make to me whether you recall my life with fondness or with disgust? I'll be dead. So how ever you feel about me won't affect me, right?
In Nehemiah 13 there is a recurring phrase. Nehemiah is essentially listing the things he did to restore God's favor toward His people. Restoring the tithes and offerings for the priests and Levites. Making sure the people had remained pure and not intermarried with the people around them. And over and over he says, "Remember me for this, O God." He lists what he did and then asks God to remember him.
Huh. Maybe I shouldn't be concerned with how people will recall me when my spirit leaves my body in the dust here, but instead be concerned with whether or not God remembers me when I see Him. Maybe I've got a little mixed up on whose memory is most important!

Remember me with favor, O my God.

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