Friday, May 28, 2010

This is NOT what you thought it was...

As a pastor I get to hear all about what people are going through and struggling with in their lives. As a by-product of that I hear how they are getting through those difficult times. I can almost guarantee that at some point in your life and struggles you've either told someone, or been told, to remember this verse...

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

You may have that on your fridge or taped to the mirror in your bathroom. No doubt, you've used that passage to help you through many difficult times. You lost your job. Your car broke down. Your 401K tanked. But have you ever read Philippians 4:10-12? the verses that come right before this beloved scripture text completely define and limit it.

The context of this verse has nothing to do with being able to "get through" rough patches in your life. It was not intended to be used when your dog died, or you had a flat tire on vacation. But we most often use this passage to help us "weather" the storm until we reach solid ground. Until our ship comes back in.

Paul says that he has learned the secret to being content with WHATEVER was going on in his life BY realizing he could ENDURE through Christ's strength.

Now, I'm no Greek scholar, don't know it and can't pronounce more that 5 words, but as near as I can tell the literal translation of verse 13 is this; "individually strong in the Strength" ("the" obviously referring to Christ's).

Paul experienced times of much and little. Full and empty. Having nothing and having enough. the secret is not about getting through; it's about ENDURING in SPITE OF.

Our prayer should not always be, "God get me out of this situation and bless me (rich, happy, full, satisfied)." But, "God, help me to rely on your strength in the situation I'm in (through it, while I'm here). Then, whether your are skinny or fat, rich or poor, happy or sad, lonely or livin' large, you'll be living, individually strong (regardless of your current situation) in Christ's strength.

And that is the goal of the Christian life. Living your life, through Christ, no matter what.

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