Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Acts 22 / Oct 8 - You were chosen

When I asked Andi to marry me and she said "yes" (and yes she said it right away and didn't have to ponder or question!) I felt like the richest guy in the world! I was so happy, so wanted, so wonderful! (okay, that was mushy)... um...I felt really, really good.

Everyone wants to be wanted. Everyone wants to be included. Everyone wants to be chosen. I know it may be hard for you to believe but there have been a few times in my life when I was the last chosen...picked by default.

I want you to know today, in the middle of the week, in the midst of all the junk you are going through, that you ARE wanted. You ARE chosen. You ARE just the one He's looking for.

In Acts 22 there are a just a few lines that stick in my mind...I can't get off these two statements. The first came from Jesus (yes, Jesus was the one talking to Paul (Saul) in the light). And there through the light Jesus speaks to a man who is "persecuting Him." And there Jesus makes this incredible statement, "you will be told all that you have been assigned to do." That word, assigned, is just incredible. And it's not just for Paul.

The second statement that draws me in comes from Ananias when he says "God...has chosen you." Wow! Two statements, two words, assigned and chosen.

Here's what you need to catch. Your name might not be Paul, but YOU have also been ASSIGNED a role in the kingdom. I believe mine is to preach and through the Spirit, lead Christ's church. I'm not sure what yours is but I KNOW that God has an assignment for you. YOU have been chosen. In fact, the Bible in another place says that you and I were chosen by God. God desperately wants you to know Him and His Will (Word) and to live and do what you have been assigned to do.

You are here because you were chosen and you have an assigned task or several (Andi is great musically and she does an incredible job speaking to women about faith and family - though you might not know it!). So this is YOU: CHOSEN/ASSIGNED

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Jack said...

If anybody feels that they want to take the next step and figure out where their talents are, they can get in on the I-life classes and take the spiritual gifts assessment. It will give you a general idea of where your strong points are and you can work on that to further your walk with God. Talk to Corey if you are interested in this. Some of us have many different talents and it will not limit you to anything. I pray God uses us in our church to further reach people in our area and we continue to grow and meet others needs. God , use our talents to the places You need us and see fit for our growth. We ask for Your blessing in all this and our people. Amen