Saturday, October 4, 2008

Just a little interesting

Didn't want to let this get away so wanted to write it down. In this case you all get to share it with me!

It was about 11:15 - 11:30 when I was getting off the plane in Wichita last night (Friday). I was extremely tired. Hungry. And ready to be home...but alas (throw back to the old days) I had to get my car out of the long-term parking and drive it home.

So I get my bag and head out to the parking lot, no big deal...except I can't remember where I parked. I was in a hurry when I got there on Wednesday morning so I just jumped out and grabbed my stuff and headed for the US Airways terminal.

Now it's late, my eyes hurt, I'm tired and I don't know where I parked. Besides that I had just spent three days in Vegas...which a lot of people would have thought was cool...not me. I wanted my wife. Was surrounded by sex and sin or at least the opportunity to do either, which could be both. I just felt bad...spiritually and emotionally and physically.

So, here I am walking in the near dark looking for my car carrying all my bags which were getting heavy and not having much luck.

I stopped to put the shoulder strap back on my duffel bag since I had taken it off when I checked it ($15) and started to put it on. I kind of bent over and stuck the bag between my legs while I messed with the side done...then had to take a step, turn the bag and click the other side. While in that motion I just said God, I know where I've been and I know that You have no good reason to, but I would like to find my sub...

Yeah. You know what happened. As I was bent over and in mid-prayer I looked up and having taken that extra step to secure the strap to the other side of the bag it put me in just the right spot to see the bumper sticker that says "God said it...that settles it" on the back window of the suburban.

I stood up, smiled at God and said, "thank you."

1 comment:

Jack said...

It is in those little moments just like that ,when God is so real to us. You know in that instant who put it there and everything becomes like a light switch coming on. I love those little moments between God and I. They don't mean anything to anybody else , but it gives you that little breath of fresh air and you say "Thank you Lord". Good story Corey and glad to hear you're back safe where you are needed and belong! See you tomorrow. Thanks God !!!