Friday, October 10, 2008

October 10th - got bugs?

As you know I work a part time job and what I do requires a computer. Okay, I realize that many jobs today require a computer. But if our computers shut down we are dead in the water. First, 90% of the orders we receive come to us through the Internet and into our email. We process the orders through a software program and run credit cards through that same software. We also use the computer to process shipping through UPS, FedEx and USPS. So if the system goes down we all just sit around and twiddle our thumbs.

The last few weeks we have had one computer issue after another. Two new pc's and we're still having issues. Tuesday one of the employees came out and said, "I think we've got a bug." Meaning, we've got a virus of some sort that kicks our individual pc's off the network and shuts us down.

I was thinking this am (while being frustrated by some issues with my own new laptop!) that our spiritual lives are kind of like our pc's and networks.

How is your connection with God and His Son Jesus Christ? Do you feel like you've been getting "kicked off" the spiritual network that was established when you gave your life to Jesus? Maybe you've got a bug, a sin that lays in wait until an opening is found and then attaches it self to you in some way and that connection is dismantled.

If you've found your connection lacking maybe it is time to re-boot. How? Well you reset your spiritual hard drive by recommitting your life to Christ and His will for your life. Romans says "Do not conform to the pattern of this world (living with bugs) but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (resetting your spiritual hard drive)."

If you need to recommit take this opportunity to make it public. You can comment on this post and we'll pray for you and your decision!

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