Friday, February 26, 2010

Unworthy... undeserved.

This chapter of Luke just cuts me down every time I read it. I don't know about you, but I'm guessing if your a believer in Jesus and have been for awhile you get to feeling like I do, that God owes you. You know how it goes. God, I gave my tithe now where's my blessing? Pressed down, shaken together and running over... my lap is still empty. God, I went to church every Sunday last month, where's my blessing? God, I helped that person on the side of the road. Why is MY car now broken down?! Come on, you know you've griped at God for not "giving you your due!" Surely I'm not the only one!

But in this chapter two events/comments just sucker punch me right in the gut and I get to feeling really guilty.

The first one comes in verse 10 when Jesus points out that the servant is the servant - not the master. He says, "when you obey me you should say, 'we are unworthy servants. We have only done our duty.'" Wow. All the whining and griping I do when God doesn't bless me... I'm just a servant. I'm only doing what I have been told to do. I'm nothing special. But WAIT! I get up and preach and tell people about Jesus! just a servant. But I teach a Sunday school class or lead a Bible study! Just a servant. But I come and clean the church and volunteer my time! Just a servant.

We get to looking so much like the 9 guys in verses 15-18 who Jesus heals and they run off like they deserved it! Like, just because they were Jewish God owed them this healing! Only the foreigner comes back to thank Jesus.

I don't want to expect God to bless me just for doing what He's called me to do. Father, forgive me, for I... well, I'm stupid and greedy and sometimes serve you for only what I can get out of it. But I don't want to. Thank You for Your blessings - each one special and undeserved.

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