Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The difference between me and God.

Okay, so the titles a little misleading, like there is only ONE difference between God and me. Actually, I can't begin to count the differences. But I'm focused on one today.

Let's just pretend the story of the prodigal son is my son and I'll highlight some things that would happen (brutally honest time here).
1. Son comes and asks for inheritance - I would tell him, "there ain't none" and send him on his way.
2. While my son was gone I would probably think of all the things he had ever done wrong and replay them in my mind. That way I would stay mad at him for leaving and make it "his fault" thereby freeing myself from any guilt.
3. When my son came back home I would probably hurry and make myself look busy so he didn't think that I had been waiting - even if I had.
4. I would begin a large lecture that would probably make us late for dinner for no matter how hungry he was - he would have to listen to me first.
5. There probably would not be a feast and I would probably point out how my other children hadn't left or done anything so stupid in all their whole life.
6. I'd finally put my arm around him and say something like, "even though you blew it and it was stupid of you to leave and you had to suffer and it was your own fault... I'm glad to have you back."

So, complete opposite of what God would do. Scratch that. What God DOES do every day to me and probably to you too.

The truth is I'm the prodigal. I'm the one who wants to try it on my own. I'm the one that doesn't think God is big enough. I'm the one who runs away. I'm the one who needs someone to take me back. I'm hungry. I'm naked. I'm sick. I'm broke. I'm stupid. I'm not worthy... except that HE makes me worthy. He clothes. Feeds. Heals. Protects. Restores. Runs to meet me. Serves the meal. and after all that is done He's the one that comforts the others too.

Why can't I be more like my Heavenly Father? Why can't I swallow my pride. Why can't I forgive. Why can't I seek out restoration and healing? Why can't I be more like Him?

I suppose, to answer my own question, I'm NOT God. Nowhere near. So, I'll continue to accept my Father's graciousness and maybe someday I'll be at least a dim reflection of the Man/Father He is.

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