Friday, February 19, 2010

What concerns you the most?

We, okay, I get bogged down with lots of stuff. This has to be done and that has to be done and when will I get that other thing taken care of.

Sometimes I just need to be reminded that there is only thing I need to be truly concerned about. It's not my house, or my bills, or even this Sunday's message. It's Jesus. If I could figure out that the only thing that is truly worthy of my time and effort was Jesus, all that other stuff would probably fall into place.

But it's difficult isn't it, to make Jesus a priority. I mean, if He were sitting with me here in the office I would put everything else aside and just talk to Him. But He's not, physically. So I get caught up in all the other stuff that is present physically and competing for my time.

So I read the Bible, which helps me pray and try to see with new eyes what Jesus wants to reveal to me today. Jesus, help me to make you a bigger... no, my only priority.

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