Sunday, September 21, 2008

Acts 3 / Sept 22 - what you have...or don't

I was thinking while reading this chapter how neat it would be to say to someone, "get up and walk." But then something else caught my attention.

When I am faced with someone who wants something from me I often focus on what I don't have. You want some food? I'm hungry too. Need a car? Mine is broke. If you're looking for money, don't look here.

But what do I have? We often leave that out.

I don't have enough money, but I pretty much buy whatever I want.
I don't have an extra car, but some people don't any vehicles.
I don't have all the food I want or like, but I'm not hungry.

So Peter says, "I don't have any money to give you, but what I do have I will give to you." What did Peter have that you and I have? A connection with Jesus Christ. Peter was plugged in to Jesus so he could give this man what he had, the Name of Jesus and a relationship with Him.

So next time I am faced with the delimma of not having what someone needs I hope to stop and think, "what do I have in Jesus that this person might need?"

Then I am not relying on my ability to meet anyone's needs but instead, I'll be relying on the power of Jesus to meet the needs of the people I come in contact with.

What do you have in Christ that someone this week might need?

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