Monday, September 1, 2008

John 2 / Sept 2 - the best has come

Well everyone, I hope you had a GREAT holiday weekend! Aside from the Coffee house, church, birthday stuff, I created a facebook site and updated the Real Life group page as a means to continue to connect with people we aren't already connected to. I also figured out how to post sermons online, so if you are in the nursery or doing children's church you can log on to the blog and watch the sermon! Cool huh!

Let's get to John 2. It starts out with the story of Jesus turning water into wine. Now, I never could figure out why that story was in the Bible, but a thought came to me today... the master of the party told the bridegroom "most people serve the best wine first and then the cheaper stuff later, but you've saved the best for last."

Here's my thought, maybe the wine represented Jesus? Everything that came before was just water, but when Jesus came it was the "best." God didn't send His Son first, it wasn't time, people needed to figure out that they couldn't get to God by themselves. Jesus came and completely changed the way things were done! Jesus changed the paradigm and I'm so glad that He did!

Have a good day and I'll see you tomorrow!

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