Wednesday, September 3, 2008

John 4 / Sept 4 - would you like a million dollars?

Okay, let's be honest with each other, you've sent on those emails that promise Bill Gates and Microsoft are going to give you $1 for every time you, or someone you forward it to, forward this email!

If you knew someone was giving out $100 dollar bills to anyone "who asked for one" you'd tell everybody, wouldn't you! Strangers, friends, it wouldn't matter - you'd tell everybody!

In this chapter Jesus sits by a well and woman comes to get water and he says, I know where to get water for you so that you will never thirst again. She wanted to know where! And she told her friends... and strangers!

Were not talking about money or water. Were talking about quenching that spiritual thirst and you know where to get it! Don't you think that someone you may come in contact with might want to know what you know? And maybe just one of the people you tell might go back to their home town and tell everyone there and just maybe, they'll believe too!

Here's to handing out what we have, they want and we know how to get... Real Life!

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