Thursday, September 18, 2008

John 21 / Sept 19 - "Do you know what the meaning of life is? One thing, that's what you've got to figure out..." Curly

So, I've been working on the blog until about midnight every evening this week. I think I'm starting to get grouchy b/c I just got into a little tiff with Andi, I don't like that. So, it must be catching up to me. 6 hours of sleep or a little less each night is not something I'm used to.

If you have the website saved, you might want to go back and make sure it is saved as and not, since that site is no longer with us.

Now, let's see what God has to say to us today.

You've heard me talk in this blog about Peter, an impetuous man (though I don't really know what that means!). He was like a 30 year old 12 year old. Again in this passage we see him act first and think later. When Jesus is seen on the shore Peter thinks the boat won't get there fast enough and dives in, about a hundred yards from shore and swims in. But it is not clear from the text whether he beat the boat or not!

Perhaps becasue of Peter's in-your-face behavior Jesus chose him to ask mutiple times if he loved him. Knowing Peter would get defensive and anxious about the answer. In the end Jesus gets to the point, "Peter, your job is to follow me."

Now, being the Peter that Peter was, he looks back and sees another disciple "the one Jesus loved" following them while they walked (everyone was probably following them but Peter seems to have an issue with this particular one so he singles him out) and asks Jesus, "what about him?"

I guess Peter's question was two-fold. He wanted to know first why Jesus didn't ask the other guy three times if he love Him. And second, he may have been asking if Jesus was going to instruct this other guy to "follow Me."

The other disciple Peter is refereing to is the writter of this book, John. So, it is only natural that John wants to quickly add "He didn't say that I would live forever, but only that if He wanted me to I would..." John is trying to be careful with his position as the "one Jesus loved."

Two points to keep in mind as you go about the rest of this day and week.
1. Quit worrying about other people. What they're doing, what they're not, why and how and when. If Jesus wants to do something with them it's up to Him, not you anyway. They don't need your permission to follow God's leading in their life.
B. You worry about just one thing (think of Curly from the City Slickers movie holding up one knurly finger) You...follow...Him. Today, follow Him. When you are at work, follow Him. When you're driving down the road, follow Him. When you're arguing with your wife, follow Him. You, follow Him.

That is all.


Jack said...

What a post! Good job! You always dig deeper than I can in these passages and give it all a different angle to look at. So, Great job on the post today. So that one "thing" is already figured out for us. All we have to do is follow. The price is paid in full. Just follow. Amen

Anonymous said...

often it is easy to get caught up worrying about what other people are doing and why. i am often reminded not to worry about those things which i have no control over. corey reminds us that the Lord has control over all things anyway.