Friday, January 29, 2010

Daily Bible Reading - Jan 29, 2010 - Mark 5

Okay, at the risk of offending some of my Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ... well, what the heck, you know me already!

I have always envied priests and others who have that nifty little cross thing they do with their hands when they pray, bless someone, or in the movies, cast out demons, curse, whatever... I believe it represents Father, Son and Holy Spirit and is in the form of a cross - I get the symbolism.

But in the independent Christian Church we don't have anything like that... and I don't want to look like a copy-cat. I've tried a few different things but they all looked more like Elaine when she dances (Seinfeld) than a holy action that inspired faith and trust.

Then I read about Jesus going into the home of Jairus. He doesn't cross himself. He doesn't utter some Lord of the Rings style long forgotten ancient language of the Elves. He simply says, Little girl, get up. That's it. Nothing crazy or strange or even incredibly spiritual, just, get up. He probably had said that a hundred times to other people, he said it three times to the apostles the night he was betrayed! Get up. But this time, it was a miracle. I guess there's hope for us non-holy-action folks after all.

The power of God is in the Word of God, not the hands of men. (and you can quote me!)


Cheryl Allison said...

I love that last sentence, and I will be sure to quote you!

Cheryl Allison

James_Fred said...

I will quote you, too.