Friday, May 7, 2010

Faith Works.

What is up with the thousands of "cleansing" adds on the Internet, coming to my email, on face book and every other social media site? I'm reminded of the "colon cleanse" phony commercials SNL used to show (back when it was good).

Their seems to be two steps to the CLEANSE. First you have to decide what you are doing to your body is not healthy and make a mental choice to make a change. Then you have to take the steps necessary to go through what will be a difficult and perhaps disgusting process. But when it's over - you are promised a new you! More vitality. Better health. Happier life... changed life.

The changed life is an amazing thing. Jarrod - the Subway guy knows. So do all those people who have made amazing transformations via programs like the Biggest Looser.

But there is nothing that compares with the life change that happens at the hands of the Holy Spirit. In fact, it's a lot like a cleanse program for the soul.

Paul saw it when he preached in Ephesus, the evidence of changed lives took two major forms.
  1. Many who became believers confessed their sinful practices - When God gets a hold on someone the Holy Spirit works and one of His duties is to convict of sin. When that happens confession happens. The status-quo is no longer acceptable. Accountability is sought. Life changed.
  2. Some brought their incantation books and burned them in a public fire - the text goes on to say this was upwards of several million dollars. Can you imagine?! Someone so convinced of their sin and God's desire for Holiness that they actually simply burn items they could have sold and got lots of money for!

I'm reminded of a statement John the Baptist I think made often. He told the people to "produce fruit in keeping with repentance." That's what the people of Ephesus did.

Life change begins on the inside as you accept the message - respond in faith and obedience to repent, confess Jesus as YOUR Savior and be immersed according to the Scriptures - but it doesn't end there. As the Holy Spirit works in your life you will have a great desire to toss aside the things that used to control you. the things that will once again drive a wedge between you and your God.

Produce fruit in keeping with repentance - with your new life! Confess your sin and Cleanse your life!

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