Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's what I live for...

Motivation. What prompts you to do the things you do? I'm hoping to get to go to the Gulf Coast this summer with the family. Never been there before, a few of the kids have never seen (or don't remember) the ocean. So, I'm back to running. Watching what I eat and even working on the abs again. I'm motivated to lose about 15-20lbs before we go. That possible trip is motivating me to drop some poundage before we get to the shore.

There are things that motivate me spiritually as well. Paul said it this way, "I have become a slave to all people to bring many to Christ" and then, "I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some" (1 cor 9:19,22).

I love two things about these passages. First, Paul's desire is not to save a few but "many" and that's what I want. That's why I fuss over the "little" things at church and talk as though we ought to have unlimited funds - I don't want to reach a few with the Gospel and settle for a couple changed lives, I want to turn El Dorado and the surrounding communities upside down and shake out the lost like I'm looking for loose change! So we work to NOT look like other churches or talk like some of our Christan brothers so that we can say we did everything we could to save some.

It's not about having quality video support for worship - it's about connecting in a way our generation understands and is comfortable with. It's not about having the best worship band - it's about connecting with people who like the worlds music in a way they can relate to so they are open to what is said. It's not about having the best coffee or kids program or the coolest building - it's about doing everything we can to connect with a society that doesn't recognize Christianity as a viable or appealing lifestyle.

It's about changing minds so Jesus can change lives. I'm not satisfied with where we are - I want one more. I'm expecting God to blow the roof of this place. I'm expecting Him to provide financially so we can fix the issues with our video, purchase a new sound system, add some cool stuff for kids.

1 cor 10:33 - "I don't just do what is best for me; I do what is best for others so that they may be saved."