Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's MY life.

Growing up in a preachers home was okay, no big deal to me and my brother and sisters, it was all we knew. But there was one thing that drove me crazy. No matter where I went there were people who knew that I was a PK (preacher's kid) and even if they didn't really know my dad or go to our church they were quick to inspect every single thing I did or said.

Fortunately for my family (and God) I was a pretty good kid. Never really got in too much trouble, I wasn't immoral (you know the reputation PKs had!).

Then I went off to college. 1700 miles from mom and dad. And even though people knew them where I was I felt like I was finally on my own - my own person. I was just another student. So, I did some stupid things. Still nothing too terrible, but I certainly stepped it up a notch from my high school days.

It seems to me that I just wanted to define MY life. You know, it's like those commercials for that place that will give you a cash pay out in exchange for your monthly payouts from different things. Their commercials have people screaming out their windows, "It's MY money and I want it NOW!" The college years are a time for us to scream, "it's MY life and I want to live it NOW!"

So, we exercise our new found freedom. Maybe you started smoking. You know, cause your parents didn't want you to - but you weren't gonna let them control you anymore. Or maybe it was drinking (before you turned 21 - stupid by the way) or using drugs. I showed who was in control of MY life by swearing a bunch (only for a while).

Maybe you have noticed by now though, that those things you thought were an exercise in your new found freedom have become your master. You have to smoke. You have to have another hit... or another drink. You have to use foul language to express yourself - you can't help it.

Paul says in Galatians 5 that we ought instead to make ourselves slaves to God through the Holy Spirit. That way what we get is greater love, knowledge, better relationships.

Let me ask you. Has your "exercise in freedom" helped you love better? (can second hand smoke and cancer be considered love?). Has your addiction to drugs given you greater knowledge about anything other than which store has the best deals on junk food (munchies). Have your addictions helped build... or destroy... your relationships?

It's MY life - I guess that means I can destroy it, or make it as good as possible. It's up to me.

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