Monday, May 24, 2010

Motivation for Ministry

Back at the office this morning and finishing up 2 Corinthians. In chapter 9 Paul is talking a lot about this financial gift that the church in Corinth was supposed to be preparing for the believers in Jerusalem who were in the midst of a famine (if I remember correctly).
If you've been reading along in 1 & 2 Corinthians you know that the church, once they heard of the situation in Jerusalem began talking about ways they could help and they decided that they would take up a collection to help their brothers and sisters in Christ in Jerusalem. Paul urged them to take a collection every week - presumably on Sunday when they had come together for corporate worship. He wanted them to do this so they wouldn't forget and so that when he got there the collection would already be completed - it would not fall to him to make it happen.

In chp 9:13 Paul then reminds the Corinthians why they were giving this gift - what their motivation was. Once the gift was sent to Jerusalem the believers there would "give glory to God." And that my friends, is always the motivation!

What do you do in the church? Clean? Make coffee? Teach children? Play an instrument? Pray? Are you in to technical stuff or like greeting people? Maybe you like it behind-the-scenes where no one sees you but does sees your hard work? Or maybe you get to be the preacher? Whatever your role in the church there is only one worthy motivation - that God would be glorified through the things you do.

How is God glorified? When the lost are found and the blind see. When those who don't know Him find a connection to Him.

Who knows, your work may lead to someone to connect with Jesus - that my friends, is all the motivation we need.

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